14 август 2009, Пятница

OA - Operational Architecture

OB - Order Of Battle

OC - officer in charge (used by NORDPOL Bde)

ODCSOPS - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

ODO - Overseas Development Organization

OHR - Office of the High Representative

OIC - Organization of the Islamic Conference or Organization of the Islamic Forces/ officer in charge

OJE - Operation Joint Endeavor (December 1996 - January 1997)

OJG - Operation Joint Guard (January 1997 - June 1998)

OJF - Operation Joint Forge (June 1998 - ??)

OOTW - Operations Other Than War

OP - Observation Post

OPFOR - Opposing Force

OPCON - Operational Control

OPSEC - Operations Security

OPLAN - Operations Plan

OPORD - Operations Order

OPSEC - Operations Security

OPT - observation post (used by NORDPOL Bde)

OPTEMPO - Operation Tempo

OSCE - Office for Security and Cooperation in Europe

OSINT - Open Source Intelligence


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