18 август 2009, Вторник

I&W - Indications And Warnings

IADS - Integrated Air Defense System

IAW - In Accordance With

IBDA - Information Battlefield Damage Assessment

IC - international community

ICFY - International Committee on the Former Yugoslavia

ICP - Inter-theater Communications Security Package

ICG - International Crisis Group

ICRC - International Committee of Red Cross

ICTY - International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (aka The Hague)

IEB - Interim Executive Board

IEBL - inter-entity boundary line; this is NOT a BORDER according to Dayton.

IEW - Intelligence And Electronic Warfare

IFOR -  Implementation Force

IHC - International Housing Commission

IMC - International Medical Corps

IMETS - Integrated Meteorological System

IMPIN – Implementation Instruction

IMF - International Monetary Fund

INFOSEC - Information Security

INFOSYS - Information Systems

INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite

INTELSAT - Intelligence Satellite

INTREP – Intelligence Report

IO - Information Operations; International Organizations

IOBS - Information Operations Battle Staff

IOC - Information Operations Center

IOM - International Office of Migration

IOVAT - Information Operations Vulnerability Assessment Team

IOWG - Information Operations Working Group

IPB - Intelligence-Preparation-Of-The-Battlefield

IPTF - International Police Task Force (also known as UNIPTF)

IRC - International Red Cross

ISB - Installation Sustaining Bases

ISS - Information Systems Security

ISYSCON - Integrated Systems Control

ITU - International Telecommunications Union

IW - Information Warfare


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