» » Упражнение 6. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 5-й пункт боевого приказа

Упражнение 6. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 5-й пункт боевого приказа

12 сентябрь 2009, Суббота


Reporting. Brigades and DIVENG will submit weekly reports to G3 Ops NET Friday 2000hrs. The as of date of the report will be 1700 hours Thursday the day before the report is due. The first report will be due to G3 Ops NET 192000 MAR 99 with an as of DTG of 1 81700 MAR 99. The report period for the first report will be 15-18 March 1999. The final report will be due 162000MAY 99 and will be as of 151700MAY 99.

a. (U) Collection Report. Units will submit a weekly collection report on weapons turned in by category (assault rifle, LMG, HvyMG, pistol, revolver, shotgun etc.), the estimated quantities of ammunition, explosives and ordnance turned in and reported by type (small arms ammunition. 20 mm to 76 mm, 76 mm, mortar, expolsives, handgrenades) and mines turned in by type (Apers. Atk). This will require brigades to work closely with the EAF and CPF to determine accurate quantities. The report format for the collection report is at Appendix 2 (Collection Report) to ANNEX C (Operations)

b. (U) Destruction Report. Units will submit a weekly destruction report on weapons, ammunition, explosives, ordnance and mines destroyed by category and type. This will include items destroyed by the brigades, EAF and the CPF. This will be a cumulative list and will include the number of each type item destroyed since 15 March 99. This will require the brigades to work closely with the EAF and CPF to determine accurate quantities of items destroyed. The report format for the destruction report is at Appendix 3 (Destruction Report) to ANNEX C (Operations).

c. (U) Other Reports. New minefields and any other significant event will be reported within 12 hours to MND(N) G3 Ops. The report will be submitted using the standard MND(N) SPOT REPORT format.

Натяжные потолки

Люди часто недооценивают значение потолка в интерьере. Ведь именно потолки дают возможность нам самовыразиться, проявить практически ничем не сдерживаемую фантазию. Столь популярные сегодня натяжные потолки стали такими распространенными не только благодаря своему превосходному внешнему виду, но также и из-за своих высоких эксплуатационных характеристик. На их поверхности скапливается мизерное количество пыли, а установка их проводится очень быстро. 


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