» » Упражнение 4. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 3-й пункт боевого приказа (продолжение 3)

Упражнение 4. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык 3-й пункт боевого приказа (продолжение 3)

14 сентябрь 2009, Понедельник

(4) (LI) Rules of Engagement. No Change.

(5) (U) Force protection. Force protection remains the MND(N) priority effort.

(6) (U) US BDE. NORDPOL BDE, Russian Separate Airborne Brigade. Turkish BDE.

(a) (U) Where IPTF. EAF. local police, opstina, canton and unit boundaries conflict. direct coordination with adjacent units within MND(N) is authorized to resolve local level OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99 issues.

(b) (U) For the duration of OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST (15 March -15 May 1999) brigades are authorized to approve all Harvest related movements of weapons and ordnance originating in their AOR. Direct liaison with adjacent brigades to coordinate and approve Harvest movements is authorized. Cross MSC movements must be coordinated and subject to the approval of the receiving MSC.

(c) (U) Coordination with other MNDs must go through MND(N) HQ.

(7) (U) All participants submit written AAR comments NET 161500A May 99 to G3 and participate in a formal AAR 17 May 99 at time and location to be determined.

(8) (U) Information Operations Themes and Messages. Intent is to promote BiH government and military as the lead in the amnesty program. SFOR will maintain a low profile and remain in a supporting role.

(a) (U) Information Operations General Theme. SFOR approved themes (lines of persuasion) are:

1. Peace is here to stay hand in your weapons with confidence and contribute to peace.

2. Mines, weapons, and ordnance are dangerous to you and your family.

3. During the amnesty you can hand in items with complete anonymity and with immunity from prosecution.

4. All items handed in will be permanently removed from circulation.

(b) (U) General Message Points: Use the messages contained in Appendix 1 to Annex S to OPEAN PEGASUS HARVEST developed by Division Information Operations.

 (9) (U) Key dates.

 (10) (U) Sensitive Dales.

 (11) (U) Other Agencies

(a) (Li) IPTF. The IPTF is responsible for monitoring all the activities (collection and registration procedures) undertaken by the local police. They will advise the police on how to prepare and conduct themselves during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST 99. The 1PT1 should be involved in all aspects of planning at the Division and opstina / canton level.

(b) (U) International Organizations (IOs). Other IOs should be informed of the program, and may be able to assist with the Division 10 Campaign, or in other areas.

(c) (U) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). HELP UDT is aNGO, which is contracted bv the European Union to train and monitor the CPFs. They will continue to provide assistance to the CPF during OPERATION PEGASUS HARVEST.

(12) (U) Bill Organizations and Agencies.

(a) (U) Opstina / canton and Municipal Local Government. Local government support should be sought where appropriate. Non-certified municipal councils should not be formally approached, though influential individuals may be helpful.

(b) (U) Local Police. The local police have a key role in the Amnesty. They should take an important part in the planning process and should be seen to take a leading role in

implementation. Local police stations are appropriate collection points for weapons and small-arms ammunition. Whenever possible, all other items should be reported and collected by mobile teams, rather than brought in to collection points by civilians. Police Officers should, if appropriate and trustworthy, be involved in the mobile teams.

(c) (U) EAF. The EAF, by virtue of their manpower, technical personnel and logistics, have the key role in the conduct of the Amnesty. They should be involved early in the planning process. During implementation, they can help in the 10 campaign, man collection teams, collection points, the transport and temporary storage of surrendered items and provision of medical support. EAF resources must be integrated into the overall plan. Following the letter from COMSFOR to the Presidents and Prime ministers (Jan 99), full support by the EAFs to the Amnesty is a compliance issue.

(d) (Li) CPF. The CPF is designated for the collection and disposal of mines, explosives and ordnance. They should be involved early in the planning process.

(13) (U) Registration. To facilitate accounting, receipts should be issued for all surrendered weapons. These are designed and issued by HQ SFOR. To minimize the possibility of "leakage" the receipts are pre-numbered. Receipts do not include any details of the donor, to ensure anonymity. Disposal details are to be recorded on the receipts.

(14) (U) Disposal of Weapons. EAF will collect weapons from designated collection points and centralize them at designated WSSs. EAF will require SFOR authority for associated vehicle movements. The position taken is that all surrendered items will be permanently removed from circulation. Long-term storage is allowed in WSS, not in local police stations. EAFs may decide to either destroy weapons or to keep the in their WSS after properly adding them to WSS inventories.

(15) (11) Disposal of mines, explosives or ordnance. Mines, explosives and ordnance are to be reported and logged by the service designated by the entities. The CPF has the primary responsibility for the collection and disposal of these items, however, they may request MND support in the accomplishment of these tasks. This support effort will be co-ordinated by the Division Engineers.

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