» » Упражнение 3. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык следующие варианты 2-го пункта боевого приказа

Упражнение 3. Переведите письменно с английского на русский язык следующие варианты 2-го пункта боевого приказа

17 сентябрь 2009, Четверг

1) 2. (C) MISSION. On order, MND(N) forces take action to increase force protection measures in order to prepare for possible hostile reactions to SFOR operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


2) 2. (S) On order, MND(N) protects persons designated special status (PDSS), ensures force protection, retains freedom of movement (FOM) and enforces the GFAP to provide a stable and secure environment in the BRCKO area to facilitate peaceful implementation of the BAT decision by International Community (IC) agences and the local civil police authorities.


3)  2. (U) MISSION. MND(N) strongly supports and proactively partisipates in the planning, coordination, and execution of an Entity-led weapons and ordnance collection program in sector to remove weapons and danjerous munitions leftover from the war in order to build trust and confidence in the peace process and to provide a safe and secure environment for SFOR and the citisens of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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